In the age of Social Media, where Content is King and media marketing has been on the forefront of digital change, many organizations strive to answer some key questions: How can we manage all this content? What do content managers do and are they right for my organization? What is a CCMS and how would it impact my content? All of these are questions we are answering in this podcast episode as Zelena discusses Component Content Management Systems with Jamie Poole, Technical Writer from Merck Pharmaceuticals and Deb Bissantz and Rob Kennedy from Vasont Systems.
You can’t spell navigation without AI! And we have our AI consulting experts Ty Trainer, Senior Machine Translation Implementation Manager and Fred Bane, Director...
We have Roy Dvorkin, Vice President of Media and Entertainment at TransPerfect to discuss What’s NEXT for media and how technology is evolving to...
Super Mario Brothers, Duck Hunt, Candy Crush; these games are all household names, but have you ever thought about what it looks like in...