Latest Episodes

Inspiring Diversity with Betty Ng
It's easy to talk about diversity and all of it's grey areas but how can we truly make a difference? Taking steps to make...

Intersectionality with Romy Newman
On this episode of Next Podcast, we’re joined by Romy Newman, Co-Founder of FairyGodBoss, a multi-faceted platform with the mission to improve the workplace...

The Importance of Authenticity with Janel Dyan
"How does one curate a personal brand? How can you look the part for a zoom meeting? In this episode, we’re joined by executive...

Gender Roles in the Corporate Landscape with Victoria Yasinetskaya
Description for victoria's episode: "What does it take to succeed as a woman in a male-dominated field? Is it true that women need to...

Recruitment with Rudy Crous and Raina Whitfield
"What’s going through a recruiter’s head during a job interview? With rapid advancements in tech, what does the future of recruitment look like? We...

Transformation with Martha Geller: Part Two
How do we find our niche within the corporate world? How do we find fearlessness within uncertain times? TransPerfect’s NextPodcast Season Two, kicks off...